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Monday, May 14, 2007

Please Pray!

My brother, Justin, came over tonight, and he says he wants to quit smoking. I told him that I would pray for him. I thought it would also be a good idea to ask the people who read this blog to pray for him. While you're at it, Josh could use a prayer too. I'm afraid he's making decision that could really haunt him in the future. Thanks in advance and God Bless!


Anonymous said...

Thats a very good idea. But one that does the most good.! God has blessed and watched over us all since before they were born (while they were developing and growing in the womb). Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated

Anonymous said...

Good idea and yes please pray. It has been what has made the differnce in the lives of so many and in the lives of these two so often.(yes they are a little needt at times lol). Thanks for the thoughts and prayers they do the most good and are ofter the only things that made a differnce