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Friday, May 29, 2009


The weather has been perfect today! Adelyn wanted to stay outside and I was starving, so I microwaved a pasta/broccoli dish. I took it outside to eat it while Adelyn was running around. She decided to have a few bites (she loves broccoli). When it was all gone, she told me "Momma, I want to drink that broccoli juice." I laughed, but she was serious, so there she goes!

And, here she afterwards, with pasta sauce on her forehead!
Other updates - Miss Adelyn speaks in complete sentences all the time now. I used to secretly worry about her verbal skills, but I think it was only because I was so used to her doing everything else early. Anyway, I had nothing to worry about - she talks up a storm now and says anything she wants. Seth has realized that even though "crap" doesn't seem like that bad of a word, it doesn't sound pretty coming from Adelyn. I have realized that even though "that stupid thing" doesn't seem that bad, that we can't have Adelyn running around calling things and especially other people stupid.
Enjoy the lovely weather! It has been gorgeous here!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

I sincerely appreciate all those men and women that have sacrificed in so many ways to ensure that we all have freedom. In many countries, you cannot practice your own religion or make other decisions for yourself. Fortunately, here, we can. I exercise my own freedom frequently. I often make decisions that other people don't understand. God has also given us free will. This life is ours to live as we see fit. Taking the road less traveled usually isn't the popular choice (by definition), but I'm glad I am free to take it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm Two!

Adelyn has been able to say she's two with her words for a long time, but holding up just two fingers is a new challenge for her. She's practicing and concentrating her. She's got her UK bling on! Go CATS!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Diapers are a skinny girl's friend!

I have other pics to post today, but I couldn't resist this... Adelyn looks like the 90's thugs that I went to high school with! Her pants are sagging and her panties are showing. Potty training has gone exceptionally well, which is great, except for one thing... A skinny girl like Adelyn relies on the bulk of the diaper to hold her pants up. Her shirt is a 3T and almost too short. Her pants are a 2T and fit fine in the inseam, but the waist is too big. I have bought her belts, but few toddler pants have belt loops. For her sake, I hope she continues to take after her Daddy (long and lean). A lot of gymboree and TCP items have the adjustable waistband, but not these. Oh well, today, Adelyn = thug!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Guess What, Dad.... Momma's Little Baby...

Adelyn has always had a knack for cracking me up. She's been saying some funny things lately. I need to start writing them all down. Over the last few days, she's been saying, "Hey Dad, Guess What..." The funny part is that's all. If Seth says, "What?" She just says "guess what" again.
She talks all the time these days - to us, to her stuffed animals and babies, and to "peeps" (her word, not mine) on the phone. She often "calls somebody" but she won't tell me who "somebody" is.

Momma's little baby loves lettuce leaves! Adelyn is normally a very good eater. She likes lots of healthy foods, and will often ask for things like lettuce leaves. Tonight she ate a ton of black beans and homemade salsa! You'll notice that Adelyn has a magazine open in front of her. She informed me that "this is Daddy's magazine." I had never heard her say magazine before, but she said it very plainly.
Her other favorite word to say is "anymore." Almost daily, Adelyn tells me that she needs to see Nana. The other day she said, "I don't need mommy anymore, I need nana." What a little stinker!! She also regularly tells me stuff like, "I'm not going to drink juice anymore."
I love seeing my sweet bean's personality develop, and I treasure all of these memories of her sweetness. I know I don't blog about what she's doing often enough, so I decided to ramble a bit about her tonight.