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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers I know, but especially to my own. My brothers, Josh and Justin, create more stress than any one person should have to endure. Throw into the mix that I am very particular about everything I'm involved with, and you've just got to admire my mom. I love her very much, and I hope she knows how much I appreciate her. Happy Mother's Day, Mom, from me, Seth and Adelyn. We love you bunches!

In addition to blessing me with a wonderful mom, God blessed me with the best husband in the world and again with the sweetest little girl... my cup runneth over. Sappy as it may sound, Seth really does complete me, and he is such a great daddy. I'm getting closer to Addy Rose everyday, and there's no doubt that I would lay down my life for this sweet baby girl. I am so blessed!

To all of you mothers - I've found out over the last four months how being a mom alters your life. In addition to all of the wonderful love and happiness, it is also a new responsibility that is never ceasing. So, to all of you, good job on performing the most rewarding and demanding job in the world! Happy Mother's Day!

Pictures to be added sometime this afternoon!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Baby I appreciate the affirmation of my efforts but want you all to know I am thankful for each of you. Each has added their own personality and characteristics to mine to help me see things and to become hopefelly what God wanted me to become. I am blessed to have each of you and thankful that you are who you are. Your right parenting is a gift from God because it helps you to realize LOVE. There is no greater love and I would quickly and willing give my life for yours and the boys Addy as well. Love to all and may Gods blessings and care be with us daily. Mom

Anonymous said...

And Happy 1st Mothers Day to you. Its amazing and just beginning. As you said each day will bring new joys and realizations... Love you bunches