
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, December 7, 2009

No time for words ....

Adelyn's trying to get a snack for herself, so no time for words right now... these pics are self-explanatory anyway. :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Entering the Holiday Season...

We went to Southern Lights on Sunday to officially kick off the Christmas Season. The lights were okay, but Adelyn enjoyed the petting zoo the most! I enjoyed it too. I thought I bumped into someone, but I turned around and a camel was nudging me because he wanted me to feed him. He was actually really soft! We had a great time.
I've had an emotional few days. A young man at church committed suicide, my mom and I had a misunderstanding, and I've just been feeling pulled in a lot of different directions. I think I'm tired. Tonight I was going through Adelyn's clothes to find some stuff for a mom that needs some things, and I started feeling sad as I realized how much Adelyn's grown. She's getting so big, and even though I pray about adoption, God doesn't seem to be talking back to me about adoption, and other biological children doesn't seem to be in the cards... So, it's a little sad to think I'll never have another baby, even though Adelyn will always be my baby!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm thankful for all my blessings -- great and small! I've been blessed beyond measure!

Monday, November 2, 2009


We're really excited about a new Montessori we visited this week. Please pray that God gives me guidance and peace in the decision. I'm worrying myself to death over pre-school! How in the world will this girl make it to college? I'm tired of thinking! :)

I've been a bad blogger -- here's a quick pic of Dorothy on Halloween

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sick Again and Rambling Update Post....

I haven't really written a blog post in months, so here's a little update. The blog helps me remember things, and I need to do a better job of updating it.

It's been a busy couple of months. Adelyn has always stayed home with us. After she was born, I took almost 5 months of maternity leave. After that, Seth and I both went part-time at work and stayed home with her on our days off and my mom stayed with her once a week. When that seemed too hectic, Seth left the FDIC and stayed home with her for about 9 months before I left the FDIC and then he went back to work. I've now been staying home with her for a year.

In the spring, a former co-worker who nows runs the state banking department, called me and asked if I'd be willing to review exam reports from home. I thought about it and agreed to do it. Working from home allows me to still be an available mom to Adelyn while keeping me current in the banking industry, and I earn a paycheck! I was officially a part-time employee on July 16th. In August of this year, Grace Early Learning Center open their doors and we thought it would be great for Adelyn to go 2 days a week. She could go learn and play with kids her age - the center was brand new, operated on Christian principles and unbelievably (considering where we live) close to home! Unfortunately, since August, it seems like she's spent a lot of time being sick. I've been told that this is all part of being a kid, but it is so different for us. I'm having a hard time getting used to it. Prior to this, Adelyn would get a cold from time to time, but she was rarely sick.

She's waking up now, so I'll ramble some other time, but please pray for my sickly little girl! I'm too much of a worrier and hate it when she's sick.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sick Baby Girl

Adelyn isn't sick very often. She's never had an ear infection and she's only had a handful of fevers her whole life. So, when she does get sick, I probably worry about her too much. Anyway, I've been trying to get over to see Grandma, but I'll have to wait until my sweet bean feels better. Say a little prayer for her! :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Sweet Girl...

I'm terrible about waiting too long to add new pictures these days, but I'll never go too long. Because whenever I forget, my grandma emails me. :) Love you.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Crazy Girl :)

I have a lot to write about how funny Adelyn been lately, but it will have to wait until she's asleep and I have a free minute! :) Here are some pics of her smiling face.

Dandelions, she loves picking them.

Grandma Rosie - we love you!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Photos for Grandma Rosie

We're coming to see you soon, Grandma, but maybe this pictures will hold you until we can get there. Love you.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Still a Rookie

I realize that in many ways, I'm still trying to figure out this mothering thing -- how do I show love and discipline, how do I balance between fun time and learning time, how do I let go every once in a while and realize that she's okay if she's in the care of someone else, how do I ... I could go on and on. I think I'm doing an okay job and I know I'm putting my heart into the job. Most of all, I believe that God will lead me and guide me. That's really all I need to know.

I was reminding today though that I'm not a pro at this, yet. I was giving Adelyn a bath a bit ago and she stood up and leaned over the tub wall to hug me. I hugged her back and she said, "I love you, momma." I said, "I love you, too, Bean*." I'm always so touched when she initiates the I love yous. Then said for the first time, "I'll love you always." Again, I was so touched and appreciated her saying it. Then she said, "I need bubbles." So, I wonder, were the I love yous just to make sure I'd blow bubbles or were they genuine? A more experienced mom would likely have seen the request coming a mile away, but I was blindsided. For those wondering, of course I got the bubbles out...

*Adelyn has many nicknames - Sugar Bean, sugarbina, and Sweet Bean are my most frequently used nicknames for her. Sometimes I just call her Bean or Bina. She's started calling me Bina too, but she pronounces it beenan. Funny girl.

The picture is from our visit to the library last week. We have an awesome library and they have fun programs for kids of all ages. After the program, Adelyn decided to visit with the animals in the barn. This was right before she decided to try "to ride this piggy, mommy." I took a picture of her sitting on the pig, but decided not to post it incase it would cause the librarians to ban us from Toddler Doodlers. :)
This girl is growing so fast and getting so smart and funny. She's got a ton of spunk and personality. She melts my heart with each bright smile, and I'm blessed to be her beenan.

Friday, May 29, 2009


The weather has been perfect today! Adelyn wanted to stay outside and I was starving, so I microwaved a pasta/broccoli dish. I took it outside to eat it while Adelyn was running around. She decided to have a few bites (she loves broccoli). When it was all gone, she told me "Momma, I want to drink that broccoli juice." I laughed, but she was serious, so there she goes!

And, here she afterwards, with pasta sauce on her forehead!
Other updates - Miss Adelyn speaks in complete sentences all the time now. I used to secretly worry about her verbal skills, but I think it was only because I was so used to her doing everything else early. Anyway, I had nothing to worry about - she talks up a storm now and says anything she wants. Seth has realized that even though "crap" doesn't seem like that bad of a word, it doesn't sound pretty coming from Adelyn. I have realized that even though "that stupid thing" doesn't seem that bad, that we can't have Adelyn running around calling things and especially other people stupid.
Enjoy the lovely weather! It has been gorgeous here!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

I sincerely appreciate all those men and women that have sacrificed in so many ways to ensure that we all have freedom. In many countries, you cannot practice your own religion or make other decisions for yourself. Fortunately, here, we can. I exercise my own freedom frequently. I often make decisions that other people don't understand. God has also given us free will. This life is ours to live as we see fit. Taking the road less traveled usually isn't the popular choice (by definition), but I'm glad I am free to take it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm Two!

Adelyn has been able to say she's two with her words for a long time, but holding up just two fingers is a new challenge for her. She's practicing and concentrating her. She's got her UK bling on! Go CATS!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Diapers are a skinny girl's friend!

I have other pics to post today, but I couldn't resist this... Adelyn looks like the 90's thugs that I went to high school with! Her pants are sagging and her panties are showing. Potty training has gone exceptionally well, which is great, except for one thing... A skinny girl like Adelyn relies on the bulk of the diaper to hold her pants up. Her shirt is a 3T and almost too short. Her pants are a 2T and fit fine in the inseam, but the waist is too big. I have bought her belts, but few toddler pants have belt loops. For her sake, I hope she continues to take after her Daddy (long and lean). A lot of gymboree and TCP items have the adjustable waistband, but not these. Oh well, today, Adelyn = thug!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Guess What, Dad.... Momma's Little Baby...

Adelyn has always had a knack for cracking me up. She's been saying some funny things lately. I need to start writing them all down. Over the last few days, she's been saying, "Hey Dad, Guess What..." The funny part is that's all. If Seth says, "What?" She just says "guess what" again.
She talks all the time these days - to us, to her stuffed animals and babies, and to "peeps" (her word, not mine) on the phone. She often "calls somebody" but she won't tell me who "somebody" is.

Momma's little baby loves lettuce leaves! Adelyn is normally a very good eater. She likes lots of healthy foods, and will often ask for things like lettuce leaves. Tonight she ate a ton of black beans and homemade salsa! You'll notice that Adelyn has a magazine open in front of her. She informed me that "this is Daddy's magazine." I had never heard her say magazine before, but she said it very plainly.
Her other favorite word to say is "anymore." Almost daily, Adelyn tells me that she needs to see Nana. The other day she said, "I don't need mommy anymore, I need nana." What a little stinker!! She also regularly tells me stuff like, "I'm not going to drink juice anymore."
I love seeing my sweet bean's personality develop, and I treasure all of these memories of her sweetness. I know I don't blog about what she's doing often enough, so I decided to ramble a bit about her tonight.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Beautiful Sunday Morning

"I run fast, mommy"


I'm currently fighting a battle with my sinuses. I was up a lot last night trying to figure out what to do to make my face quit hurting. So, Seth and Adelyn went to church this morning while I tried to sleep a little bit and try some more self-medicating... Here are few shots of my sweet girl before church this morning.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Pink Giraffe

I'm too tired (and sick) to think of anything to say, but here are a few pictures from yesterday.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring Time!

We are already a few weeks into Spring, and the weather has gone back and forth over the last several weeks. My sinuses do not appreciate the constant changes in the weather. Adelyn has gotten to enjoy a few nice days outside in summery clothes, but most of our days have been chilly or overcast lately.

Nana bought a Horton, and I love the way Adelyn annunciates when she says Horton. Very cute!

-helping Daddy get rid of the dandelions! :)

- Taking a drawing break after a hard day of fighting fires.

-Saying good-bye to one of my favorite outfits. I love this little jumper, and she's hardly gotten to wear it. I bought it when she was tiny knewing I'd have to wait for her to grow into it, and then I almost forgot about it. As you can see, her 2Ts are getting kind of short.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A few more...

Adelyn's waving to the school bus!! She loves the bus!

Remote control Dino action....

Adelyn and her laptop.

I'm going through the pics I've taken over the last few weeks, and since I actually have the time to post, I'll post a few more -- Grandma Rosie is probably already in bed, but she'll be thrilled to wake up to so many pictures tomorrow. Speaking of Grandma Rosie, she has bronchitis, so if you would say a prayer for her, I'd be grateful!

Happy Sunday

These were all taken last Sunday -- Adelyn loves her some goldfish! :)