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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ready for Cold Weather and Getting So Smart!

Adelyn is doing so many funny and surprising things. She has started pretending. Seth noticed that she was touching the top of something recently and then rubbing her hands together. She was pretending that the rounded top of one of the gates was a lotion dispenser because she sees Seth and I using hand soap and lotion all the time. I've noticed that when I do it, she'll rub her hands together too! She knows the answer to "where is mommy's nose?" Yesterday she found a CD on the floor in the office. She picked it up, walked over to the CD player and put the CD in it! I was so surprised about that one! She's rarely in the office and we hardly ever use the CD player, but she knew that is where CDs go! She's walking around like a little pro lately! Watching her grow and learn is an amazing privilege.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Okay, seriously, I think she's a genius. Now, my little babe is a genius, but your little babe may be a super-genius. They're less than 2 months apart and I can't even imagine Sarina picking up a CD and putting it in the CD player or saying "Hey Momma" on the phone. But she did take her first steps this week. :) :)