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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Guess What, Dad.... Momma's Little Baby...

Adelyn has always had a knack for cracking me up. She's been saying some funny things lately. I need to start writing them all down. Over the last few days, she's been saying, "Hey Dad, Guess What..." The funny part is that's all. If Seth says, "What?" She just says "guess what" again.
She talks all the time these days - to us, to her stuffed animals and babies, and to "peeps" (her word, not mine) on the phone. She often "calls somebody" but she won't tell me who "somebody" is.

Momma's little baby loves lettuce leaves! Adelyn is normally a very good eater. She likes lots of healthy foods, and will often ask for things like lettuce leaves. Tonight she ate a ton of black beans and homemade salsa! You'll notice that Adelyn has a magazine open in front of her. She informed me that "this is Daddy's magazine." I had never heard her say magazine before, but she said it very plainly.
Her other favorite word to say is "anymore." Almost daily, Adelyn tells me that she needs to see Nana. The other day she said, "I don't need mommy anymore, I need nana." What a little stinker!! She also regularly tells me stuff like, "I'm not going to drink juice anymore."
I love seeing my sweet bean's personality develop, and I treasure all of these memories of her sweetness. I know I don't blog about what she's doing often enough, so I decided to ramble a bit about her tonight.


Jason and Jenn said...

Oh that's soooo cute Tabitha! Isn't it funny the things these kids say?!?! I always say I have to write things down too. Enjoy allthe great memoriesthey do fly by!

Anonymous said...

And Nana needs her! She is sooo funny and soo smart