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Friday, June 22, 2007

Laughing with Daddy and Playing the Drums!

Adelyn's had a great week. She's now a proud depositor at Central Bank. We took her to open a savings account. When the lady opening her account looked at her and told her that she was a pretty girl she cried for a second! I guess she thought the lady was going to try to hold her.
She's moving around more on her own, and she and Grandma Pam had one of their best days together.

I can usually get Addy Rose to flash her momma a smile, but Daddy is probably the best at getting her to share her sweet little laugh with us.

Here's a sweet pic of Little Miss sitting up all on her own! She looks so grown up!

1 comment:

Krystal said...

I cannot believe how big Miss Addy has gotten! She is just a baby, how can she be sitting up so well? She is just gorgeous, Tabitha, just gorgeous :)