
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, August 8, 2008

Spending Time Outisde with My Sweetie

I spent some time outside with Adelyn today. I took 102 pictures in a short amount of time. Most of the pics I got were of her cute little "bite" (that is how she pronounces butt). She does say BOW perfectly, and it sounds so sweet.
You can't spend much time in our backyard without building up your leg muscles. This girl is a good climber.

She found a tennis ball. She would throw it, pick it up, and throw it again. I think this girl needs a dog that knows how to fetch!

She found something in need of careful inspection.

I wish the sun wasn't in the background in this pic, but I think you can still see how sweet our Adelyn is.

Notice the sassy questioning stance. I just told her that we needed to go inside and get some water. She obviously was not thirsty. This girl loves being outside.


The Prosper Russells said...

what swwet pics! she's gettong sooo big!

Krystal said...

Adorable! Addy looks like a fashion queen in that cute outfit and with that cool hair bow :)

Anonymous said...

The pics are great you can see the wonder and curiosity that she feels