In January of 2000, I started working for the FDIC as an intern. I went back to the FDIC after finishing my degree. I have worked there for most of the last 9 years, and today is my last day as an employee of the federal government. While I'm very excited about staying home with Adelyn, I'm leaving a very secure job with good pay and benefits. I have faith in God that this is the right choice for our family, but I'm still a little nervous. If you have a second to pray for peace for me, I'd really appreciate it.
On a lighter note, we did some puppy sitting last week. Adelyn loves dogs (and slides)!

For those of you (Mom) that think I don't let Adelyn play in the dirt and get muddy often enough, you should see these pants. Even after soaking in oxy clean, the butt is stained - I guess that's what happens when you stop using the slide and start scooting down the hill on your butt. :)
Father, Thank You for giving this sweet Mom peace as only You can give, In Jesus Name. The peace that does pass ALL understanding, Lord. Thank You for this precious Mom and Dad who are taking this courageous move in total trust and dependence upon You, Lord. I ask Your blessings of all types upon them individually and as a family. Thank You for blessing and causing Bow Baby Bow to flourish and suceed beyond their wildest dreams, In Jesus Name. Thank You for this sweet and precious family who love You, Lord. Amen.
And Bless the person who had such a great prayer for you guys I second that by the way. The dirty pants are great glad to see that Addy is a little adventurer. I cant wait til she is a little bigger to see what else she will tackle. Great pics
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