
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Grandma Debbie brought Adelyn this Halloween costume, and since we weren't going to spend it with Jazlyn (the poodle), we ditched the 50s sockhop girl idea and went with the cute witch costume.

Adelyn loves dogs and cats. She would have followed the neighbor's cat anywhere.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Another First!

One year ago Adelyn took her first step, and today she told me that she needed to use the potty and followed through! :) It's the little things in life that make a momma so proud. Adelyn certainly didn't understand why I was so excited.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Big Smile!

Oops, I left out stay at home dads in my last post... I really shouldn't specificy and instead give credit to ALL caregivers - that includes those grandparents that take care of children too. I'm really too tired and too busy to write more... :) Blessings!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hats Off To all the SAHMs!

When Adelyn was born, I stayed home with her all day everyday for about 4.5 months (my generous maternity leave period). Then I went back to work on a part-time basis, which was no more than 3 days a week and I got to work from home from time to time. In January, Seth started staying home with Adelyn. Yesterday was really the first full day that I've had Adelyn by myself in several months. After today and yesterday, I'm tired! I do enjoy getting to be here with her though. Here are a few pics from the last few days.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Last Day at the FDIC

In January of 2000, I started working for the FDIC as an intern. I went back to the FDIC after finishing my degree. I have worked there for most of the last 9 years, and today is my last day as an employee of the federal government. While I'm very excited about staying home with Adelyn, I'm leaving a very secure job with good pay and benefits. I have faith in God that this is the right choice for our family, but I'm still a little nervous. If you have a second to pray for peace for me, I'd really appreciate it.

On a lighter note, we did some puppy sitting last week. Adelyn loves dogs (and slides)!

For those of you (Mom) that think I don't let Adelyn play in the dirt and get muddy often enough, you should see these pants. Even after soaking in oxy clean, the butt is stained - I guess that's what happens when you stop using the slide and start scooting down the hill on your butt. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sweet Adelyn's mullet




Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Day At the Pumpkin Patch

We had beautiful weather last weekend. We went to Evan's Orchard to spend a few hours.
Adelyn loved climbing on the pumpkins. She's pretty nimble for a toddler. :)
She went down the big slide with Daddy. If you ask her what you say when you go down a slide, she says, "Awww, Weee!"

Jazlyn would have sat in the pumpkins all day. She's a very content baby.
My mom really wanted the girls to ride a pony. We told Adelyn to help Jazlyn stay on. She did such a good job. She held on to her the whole time. Seth told Adelyn to wave to mommy, so she let go of Jazlyn for a few seconds to wave to me, but I wasn't quick enough with the camera.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I've been a bad blogger lately

I'm still working through the camera issue, but after returning the first one that was truly a piece of junk, I've got a new one. My memory card from my sony doesn't work with the canon though, so I need to make a trip for a new one of those... Anyway, check out this BG's hair! It's finally growing! :)