I called this round 1, but Adelyn has been getting Christmas presents since November... Thanks so much to everyone for all the wonderful gifts!
She got to open her first gift shortly after arriving. It was no surprise that the tissue paper on top and the plastic bags on the bottom were her favorite part.

These aren't very good pictures, but since Lesley didn't get to see Adelyn in her Christmas dress, I posted the ones I had. It was too long and she couldn't walk without tripping on it, so we sacrificed fashion for comfort and agility!

It looks like she is really telling Elijah a story in this picture.

Fortunately, Adelyn is very willing to share. This is one of the ways she likes to interact with new people. She will give you stuff and wave to you, but she's not too crazy about anyone that she's not real comfortable with holding her.

Adelyn loved to let other people play with her blocks. After someone would stack them up, she got to knock them over. She thoroughly enjoyed it!
Merry Christmas from all of us! We are all blessed so much! Let's remember those that don't have enough and pray for them and give what we can.
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