
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Seth and I have been blessed with a wonderful little angel (although her halo is often replaced by horns!), and Adelyn has been blessed with a wonderful father. We love you, Dada!
Adelyn and I went outside this morning before church. It was still a little foggy outside. This girl loves being outside. Please don't be fooled by the pics I post. She generally doesn't stand still and pose for me. I get more than my fair share of pics of her running away from me!
Here's an action shot. She's running down the hill, and loving it as you can tell by the look on her face. The grass was still wet, so I was running down the hill backwards hoping to catch her incase she slipped and fell and trying to take a picture of her big grin all at the same time. I'm sure our neighbors think we are nuts!
This picture is from yesterday. Adelyn is obsessed with going down the stairs BY HERSELF! Anytime I reach my hand out to help her, so backs up and shakes her head. She does pretty well, but it is still kind of unnerving watching her take such big steps.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Posts Two Days in a Row

I have not been very consistent in posting pics in the last few months, but I'm actually going to post 2 days in a row.
I was telling Seth just the other day that when Adelyn gets older, she is going to want to go throw rocks instead of helping me make bows. We were outside yesterday, and I got a few pictures of her throwing rocks. She loves throwing rocks!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008

This Little Lady is Such a Good Eater!

Adelyn has always eaten a good variety of food. Tonight she ate chicken (she made chicken noises when I gave it to her), black beans and lots of homemade salsa. She's often surprised us with the food she likes, but I was really surprised with how much she loved the salsa!