
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Happy Baby Girl

Adelyn has been changing so fast lately. She's started giving kisses lately. Sometimes she initiates it, sometimes we do, sometimes they come in multiples and sometimes she wants nothing to do with kissing us! She's also started waving. She even waved bye to the guy that bagged our groceries at Kroger the other day.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A 3rd Tooth...

I'm hoping to post some pics of Little Miss with her 3rd tooth soon. It has poked through the gum, but it might be a little while before I can get a good picture of it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Some mid-week pictures! Peek-a-boo!

Baby Girl was in such a good mood today. Here she is smiling in the high chair! I probably have about 50 different pictures from different times of this smiling girl in her high chair. I love them all!
She's started playing peek-a-boo lately. Seth and I were sitting with her on the couch and and she just started doing it! My mom said she was doing it with her the other day too!

Where's the baby??

There she is!

I've been working on Adelyn's bow collection lately. She's as interested in them as I am.

Exciting news - My brother and sister-in-law went to the doctor today for her 20 week ultrasound. The doctor said that he's fairly certain that it is A LITTLE GIRL! How exciting! Please say a prayer for a healthy little one to arrive in early February! I can't wait!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Another busy week!

Addy Rose looking cool...
Crawling and giggling...When she's on the hardwood she gets on her toes and does a funny crawl.

I know it has been another week without pictures, but I'm really working hard at work right now. I did manage to take some pictures of my little cutie this weekend. She's getting so big!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Addy Dancing

Here's some video of Baby Girl doing a little bit of dancing. Enjoy!

Baby Girl is 8 Months Old!!!

It really is hard to believe that Adelyn turned 8 months old yesterday! She is getting so big and learning so many new things. She is more of a blessing than I could have ever imagined! We celebrated the 8th month with some organic veggies, turkey and barley. Addy Rose was not impressed!!! Maybe she wants to be a vegetarian. :)

Saturday, September 8, 2007

A few pictures

We've had a busy week here. I'm preparing for a bank exam that is going to keep me busy over the next several weeks, and we had a visitor! Grandma Debbie came to see Adelyn Rose. Baby Girl was very good and made sure that Grandma was quite entertained!
I put this little hat on Addy. It is the one she wore in the hospital. Then it came all the way down her forehead. It is amazing how she has grown!
This is a sad pic of mommy's angel. I'm sure we all would agree that Adelyn is too pretty to cry! I try telling her that, but from time to time she insists on having herself a good cry.

I know I've had a slow couple of weeks with getting pictures posted, and I'd like to say that I'm going to get better next week, but I'll probably be pretty busy with work the next few weeks. I'll do my best tough. I do have a short video to post of little miss bop-a-roo bopping along to some music. As long as it uploads ok, I'll post it very soon!
One last thing, please pray for Addy's Uncle Justin. Pray that God guides him and provides him understanding and strength. Thanks :)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

On the Move!

Adelyn has really started to explore the house. She crawls to new stuff and stands up to check it out. Here are some of the places she's visited recently...

Looking out the window on her tip toes!

Considering climbing up on the bottom box to see what is in the top box...

Wondering if she is strong enough to open the refrigerator and find her green beans...

Grabbing the buckle on her high chair -she loves to chew on the straps...

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Almost a week without pictures!!

Grandma Rosie emailed just to make sure I was ok since she hadn't seen any pictures in a week! I worked a decent amount this week, and I've been trying to make time to exercise. I guess I've just been tired. Anyway, here are a few pics for you guys! I hope to get some more posted this weekend!